Argall Resolution to Study Jobs and Economic Impact of Breweries in PA Approved by Committee

HARRISBURG – The Senate Law and Justice Committee unanimously passed a resolution today sponsored by Senator David G. Argall (R-29) to study the economic impacts of breweries in Pennsylvania.

Senate Resolution 216 will thoroughly examine the economic impacts, with a focus on jobs, of breweries in Pennsylvania through the General Assembly’s Legislative Budget and Finance Committee.

“In an effort to continue to identify areas of potential job growth in our state, this study will identify ways we can assist our state’s brewery industry,” said Argall, who has met with local Yuengling Brewery officials several times in order to discuss job creation. “We need to examine all industries in Pennsylvania as a way to find employment opportunities and determine how we can help to create a strong pro-jobs economic climate.”

Senate Resolution 216 now moves to the Senate Floor for consideration.

Contact: Jon Hopcraft
(717) 787-2637
(570) 773-0891

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