The Argall Report: Property Tax Independence Act

HARRISBURG – This month’s local TV report by Senator Argall focuses on recently introduced legislation that would eliminate the school district property tax once and for all.

The bill, the “Property Tax Independence Act,” was recently introduced by Senator Argall and Representative Jim Cox (R-Berks) at a press conference in Harrisburg. In this report, Argall and Cox review the details of the bill along with highlights from a recent rally in the Capitol rotunda that featured over 1,000 property owners who support the plan.

“This month’s program offers an in-depth look at recent work in the Capitol on the issue of eliminating the school district property tax,” said Argall, who has supported similar efforts in previous sessions. “At any town hall meeting I regularly hold, I hear the same frustrations from constituents: Why aren’t our property taxes eliminated? We tried to reform property taxes in years past, but Representatives from other areas refused to agree to this concept. The problem remains: We need to find a new way to fund our public schools and not continue to burden property owners with an unfair and, quite simply, archaic tax.”

“This program is designed to update local people on our progress in Harrisburg on Senate Bill 1400, which I have introduced with Senators Folmer (R-Lebanon) and Piccola (R-Dauphin), and House Bill 1776, introduced by Rep. Cox,” said Argall.

More information on the legislation can be found at

The program will air on:

  • Blue Ridge Communications (Channel 13) every Monday at 10am and every Wednesday at 10:30pm.
  • Comcast On-Demand on Channel 1 – Get Local – Government – State Senate.
  • Reading (Channel 21) and Hamburg (Channel 19) every Monday at 3pm and 8:30pm and every Tuesday at 9am.
  • Service Electric (Channel 19) the 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 7pm.
  • The program is also available on Shen-Heights TV, Hazleton’s WLYN TV 35 and MetroCast Communications Channel 10. Please check local listings for air times.

Senator Argall’s report is also available online at

Contact: Jon Hopcraft
(717) 787-2637
(570) 773-0891

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