Argall Supports Small Business Legislation

HARRISBURG – Senator David G. Argall (R-29) today supported House Bill 1349 and House Bill 2022 in order to improve the regulatory environment in Pennsylvania hampering local job creators.

“These bills are a step in the right direction for small business owners throughout Pennsylvania,” said Argall. “If we want to grow jobs in Pennsylvania, we need to create a climate that helps economic development and encourages local employers to hire Pennsylvanians. This represents a commitment from the state that we want to partner to turn our state’s economy around and begin putting more Pennsylvanians back to work.”

House Bill 1349 would require state government to review impacts of proposed regulation on small businesses. It unanimously passed this afternoon on the Floor of the Senate.

Earlier in the afternoon, House Bill 2022 earned unanimous support by the Senate Community, Economic and Recreational Development Committee. The legislation would create the Pennsylvania Business Permitting Portal, which would aid permit applications and forms to establish a business with both current and future business owners.

House Bill 1349 heads back to the House to concur on Senate amendments, while House Bill 2022 goes to the Floor of the Senate for consideration.

Contact: Jon Hopcraft
(717) 787-2637
(570) 773-0891

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