The Argall Report: Senate Finance Committee Holds Hearing on ‘Property Tax Independence Act’

HARRISBURG – The latest TV report by Senator Argall features a recent public hearing on Senate Bill 1400, the Property Tax Independence Act. Argall, the bill’s prime sponsor, introduced the legislation after working with grassroots taxpayer advocates throughout Pennsylvania.

“The issue of property tax elimination is easily the number one issue I hear about in the six counties I represent,” said Argall. “This public hearing on a property tax elimination proposal is the first of its kind in the Senate, representing a big step forward in the battle to eliminate this hated tax once and for all. This program is informative for local residents who are interested to see why this issue is so difficult to tackle in Harrisburg; it is a battle between taxpayers and special interests.”

Argall, who testified with fellow-sponsor Sen. Mike Folmer, R-Lebanon, addressed the history of property tax reform. Argall pointed to the regressive nature of the property tax. After receiving bipartisan support, Argall along with his colleague, Sen. Judy Schwank, D-Berks, requested a thorough financial analysis of Senate Bill 1400 by the newly formed, bipartisan Independent Fiscal Office to ensure school districts are adequately funded under their plan.

The program will air on:

  • Blue Ridge Communications (Channel 13) every Monday at 10am and every Wednesday at 10:30pm.
  • Comcast On-Demand on Channel 1 – Get Local – Government – State Senate.
  • Reading (Channel 21) and Hamburg (Channel 19) every Monday at 3pm and 8:30pm and every Tuesday at 9am.
  • Service Electric (Channel 19) the 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 7pm.
  • The program is also available on Shen-Heights TV, Hazleton’s WLYN TV 35 and MetroCast Communications Channel 10. Please check local listings for air times.

Senator Argall’s report is also available online at


Contact: Jon Hopcraft
(717) 787-2637
(570) 773-0891

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