Local Officials Speak with Firefighters at Quarterly Meeting

FRACKVILLE – Local officials spoke with firefighters at the Schuylkill County Volunteer Firefighters’ Association quarterly meeting on Sunday afternoon.

Gathered in Friendship Fire Company in Frackville, elected officials discussed issues significant to the county’s first responders.

“We are all here to say thank you for what you do and listen to your concerns,” Senator David G. Argall (R-29) said.

Recently appointed to chair the Senate Urban Affairs and Housing Committee, Argall has been asked by local firefighters to have the Committee support legislation requiring additional carbon monoxide detectors. Argall cited a local tragedy in which a well-known Tamaqua couple passed away in their sleep due to carbon monoxide poisoning.

“This is a commonsense reform that has the potential to be a lifesaver throughout the state,” Argall said.

Representative Jerry Knowles (R-124) discussed the new Small Games of Chance law. The Pa. Department of Revenue recently announced that annual reporting will be delayed until February 2014.

“When it comes to small games of chance, we walk a thin line,” Knowles said. “On one hand, we need reporting requirements that will prevent people from walking away with thousands of hard earned dollars raised by these volunteer organizations. On the other, we certainly don’t want to tie their hands and make it more difficult to raise their needed funds–Easier said than done.”

Knowles stated the importance of the state grant program.

“I urge all volunteer fire companies and ambulance services to take advantage of the $25 million grant program. Failure to do so just might send a false message to the General Assembly that you don’t need those dollars,” Knowles added. 

Contact: Jon Hopcraft
(717) 787-2637
(570) 773-0891

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