June Argall TV Report: Community Colleges

HARRISBURG – The June edition of the local TV program hosted by Sen. Dave Argall (R-29) features a bipartisan roundtable discussion on community colleges in Pennsylvania.

“Community colleges serve an important purpose – to offer students of all ages an affordable education,” Argall said.

As chair of the Senate Education Committee, Argall was a panelist for the bipartisan conversation which included the Democratic Chair of the Senate Education Committee, Sen. Lindsey Williams (D-38), and Alycia Laureti, a Research Analyst for the House Education Committee. The roundtable was organized by the Pennsylvania Commission for Community Colleges. Ann Bieber, the President of Lehigh Carbon Community College, served as the moderator.

“I want to see our young and adult learners obtain the tools they need to succeed,” Argall continued. “Community colleges in our area are one of those tools and I want to ensure their success.”

This edition of the Argall Report will air on:

  1. Blue Ridge Communications (Channel 13) every Monday at 10 a.m. and every Wednesday at 10:30 p.m.
  2. Berks Community Television (Comcast – Channel 15 and Service Electric – Channel 19) on Thursday at 10 p.m. and Friday at 8 p.m.
  3. Service Electric Cablevision:  Hazleton, Mahanoy City; Shenandoah – on Hazleton’s WYLN TV 35 Channel 507 and MetroCast Communications Channel 10. Please check local listings for air times.

The Argall Report is also available online at https://www.senatorargall.com/argallreport/

CONTACT: Jim Brugger, 717-787-2637

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