Senate Finance Committee Passes Argall Bill to Limit Property Spot Appeals of Assessments

HARRISBURG – Legislation that would limit the school district’s ability to appeal the assessment of a property based solely on the sale of the property was passed in today’s Senate Finance Committee meeting.

Senate Bill 1309 was introduced by Senator Argall and crafted by numerous local constituents impacted by this practice.

In his remarks to the Senate Finance Committee, Senator Argall noted the economic impact this has on Pennsylvanians, especially during the sagging economy affecting home ownership.

“We should not penalize home owners for moving into a community,” said Argall. “This legislation would limit school districts from picking on individual property owners.”

Senate Bill 1309 now moves to the Floor of the Senate for its consideration.

Contact: Jon Hopcraft
(717) 787-2637
(570) 773-0891

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