Argall Introduces Senate Bill to Eliminate School District Property Taxes

HARRISBURG – Senator David G. Argall (R-29) joined Senator Mike Folmer (R-48) and Representatives Jim Cox (R-129), Mario Scavello (R-176), Tom Caltagirone (D-127) and Jerry Knowles (R-124) today to announce legislation that would eliminate all school district property taxes in Pennsylvania.

Senate Bill 1400 and House Bill 1776, deemed the “Property Tax Independence Act,” are a bipartisan commitment to replacing the existing system of school district property taxes.

“Pennsylvanians do not just dislike school district property taxes; they hate them,” said Argall during this morning’s press conference in the State Capitol’s Media Center. “We are still stuck with this archaic, outmoded property tax system that has been around since the 1800s. At my numerous town hall meetings, constituents overwhelmingly support this plan to fix the way we fund our public schools. This plan is a realistic, tax-neutral bill to kill off school property taxes once and for all.”

The Property Tax Independence Act would eliminate school taxes in Pennsylvania and replace the funds with revenue generated through the state personal income tax and the sales tax, as requested by many of Senator Argall’s constituents.

This act would provide the same level of funding for Pennsylvania’s schools that they currently receive through school property taxes.

Contact: Jon Hopcraft
(717) 787-2637
(570) 773-0891

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