Op-Ed: Governor’s Budget Proposal Holds Line on Taxes

By: Senator David G. Argall (R-29)

Governor Corbett recently addressed a joint session of the legislature to lay out his proposal for the 2012-13 fiscal year. The Governor’s budget decreases overall state spending and holds the line on taxes. The vast majority of my constituents have told me that they cannot afford a tax increase during these very difficult economic times.

One of the key programs where the state will look to cut spending is in the Department of Public Welfare. The Governor’s proposed budget includes new fraud detection programs to prevent abuses of the system. The budget proposal also creates a funding program to allow counties to provide more flexibility for service providers, thus driving efficiencies at the local level.

In 2010, I chaired the bipartisan Senate Government Management and Cost Study Commission, which identified areas where the state could save over $400 million a year. I am very pleased that the budget proposal reflects these cost-saving reforms our commission identified.

Throughout the next few weeks, as a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, I will carefully examine the suggestions from the Governor and additional ways to create a more efficient state government with a balanced budget that ensures we do not spend more than we take in.

Local residents who would like to learn more about the state budget and Governor Corbett’s proposed spending plan for 2012-13 can visit www.budget.state.pa.us for more information.

Contact: Jon Hopcraft
(717) 787-2637
(570) 773-0891


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