Senate Approves Nomination of Robert E. Ames of Coaldale to Serve on State Nursing Board

HARRISBURG – Today, the Senate unanimously approved Governor Tom Corbett’s nomination of Robert E. Ames of Coaldale to serve on Pennsylvania’s Nursing Board.

The State Board of Nursing establishes rules and regulations for the licensure and practice of professional and practical nursing in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and provides for the examination of all applicants.

Senator Argall (R-29) and Representative Knowles (R-124) strongly supported the Governor’s nomination.

“Bob’s considerable experience, as a hospital patient and a long-term board member at St. Luke’s Miners Memorial Hospital in Coaldale gives him unique and valuable insight on this statewide board,” said Senator Argall. “I’m very pleased with the Governor’s nomination.”

Representative Jerry Knowles added, “Bob’s years of experience on the board at St. Luke’s Miners Memorial Hospital make him a perfect fit for the position. There is no doubt in my mind that he brings a wealth of knowledge to the table and he will be a huge asset in dealing with these types of issues for the Corbett administration.”

The State Board of Nursing meets once a month in Harrisburg.

Contact: Jon Hopcraft
(717) 787-2637
(570) 773-0891

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