House Bill 1714 and Senate Bills 1135, 1242 and 1380
June 18, 2014

House Bill 1714 and Senate Bills 1135, 1242 and 1380

Senate Urban Affairs and Housing Committee - June 18, 2014  [Read More]


9:30 a.m. Welcome &title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&speed=0&badge=0&autopause=0&player_id=0&app_id=58479&" width="100%" frameborder="0" allow="fullscreen; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;">
May 28, 2014

PHARE Funding (Pennsylvania Housing Affordability and Rehabilitation Enhancement)

Senate Urban Affairs and Housing Committee - June 11, 2014  [Read More]


&title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&speed=0&badge=0&autopause=0&player_id=0&app_id=58479&" width="100%" frameborder="0" allow="fullscreen; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;">
March 4, 2014

Act 90 of 2010 (Neighborhood Blight Reclamation and Revitalization Act)

Joint Senate/House Urban Affairs & Housing Committee - March 19, 2014   [Read More]

House Bill 1644 (Taylor)
December 3, 2013

House Bill 1644 (Taylor)

Senate Urban Affairs and Housing Committee - December 3, 2013  [Read More]


9:30 a.m. Senator David G. Argall (R-29) &title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&speed=0&badge=0&autopause=0&player_id=0&app_id=58479&" width="100%" frameborder="0" allow="fullscreen; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;">
October 22, 2013

Senate Bill 48 (Williams)

Senate Urban Affairs and Housing Committee Public Hearing - October 23, 2013  [Read More]

Downtown Location Law (Act 32 of 2000)
October 11, 2013

Downtown Location Law (Act 32 of 2000)

Senate Urban Affairs and Housing Commitee - October 16, 2013  [Read More]

Future of Pennsylvania’s Cities, Large and Small – Reading
June 20, 2013

Future of Pennsylvania’s Cities, Large and Small – Reading

Senate Urban Affairs & Housing Committee Hearing - June 21, 2013  [Read More]

House Bills 1122, 1319, and 1363
June 18, 2013

House Bills 1122, 1319, and 1363

Senate Urban Affairs & Housing Committee Meeting - June 19, 2013  [Read More]

June 11, 2013

Future of Pennsylvania’s Cities, Large and Small – York

Senate Urban Affairs & Housing Committee Hearing - June 13, 2013  [Read More]

May 28, 2013

Future of Pennsylvania’s Cities, Large and Small – Pittsburgh

Senate Urban Affairs & Housing Committee Hearing - May 29, 2013  [Read More]