Argall Disappointed in Governor’s Line-Item Vetoes of SB 850
August 7, 2009

Argall Disappointed in Governor’s Line-Item Vetoes of SB 850

HARRISBURG – State Senator David G. Argall (R-29) today issued the following statement urging prompt action on a state budget that is now 38 days beyond the legal deadline. “Governor Rendell’s recent action of vetoing much of the proposed budget approved by the House and Senate makes no sense to me at all. While he […]  [Read More]

Senator Argall’s TV Report Focuses on “Blight”
August 7, 2009

Senator Argall’s TV Report Focuses on “Blight”

HARRISBURG – State Senator David G. Argall (R-29) will discuss the impact that blighted and abandoned properties have on communities across Pennsylvania during his August television report. As part of a collaborative effort with state and local officials, as well as the Statewide Blight Task Force, Argall has introduced legislation aimed at eliminating blight throughout […]  [Read More]

Cutting the General Assembly
August 6, 2009

Cutting the General Assembly

Dear Editor: Several recent letters to the editor and comments in “Thunder / Enlightening” by the public and your newspaper’s commentator claimed that we could balance the state budget by reducing the size of the State Legislature. While I agree with the concept of reducing the size of the General Assembly as a way to […]  [Read More]

Argall YMCA Land Transfer Bill Moves to Governor for Signature
August 4, 2009

Argall YMCA Land Transfer Bill Moves to Governor for Signature

HARRISBURG – The House of Representatives unanimously approved legislation today sponsored by State Senator David G. Argall (R-29) to transfer the former National Guard Armory in Pottsville to the Schuylkill County YMCA. Senate Bill 852 authorizes the Pennsylvania Department of General Services, with the approval of the Governor and the Department of Military and Veterans’ […]  [Read More]

Senate State Government Committee to Discuss Pre-Release Center
July 27, 2009

Senate State Government Committee to Discuss Pre-Release Center

HARRISBURG – A public hearing has been scheduled for Monday, August 3, 11 a.m., at the Schuylkill Training and Technology Center, to discuss a plan to sell state land for a county run pre-release center, according to State Senator David G. Argall (R-29). House Bill 792, introduced by Representative Neal Goodman (D-123), would grant and […]  [Read More]

Argall, Harhart Announce PENNVEST Loan For Slatington Borough Authority
July 22, 2009

Argall, Harhart Announce PENNVEST Loan For Slatington Borough Authority

HARRISBURG – State Senator David G. Argall (R-29) and Representative Julie Harhart (R-183) today announced approximately $4.7 million in grants and $2.3 million in low-interest loans to the Slatington Borough Authority for their Sanitary System Improvement Project. The scope of this project will rehabilitate and replace approximately 80% of the entire Borough collection system. In […]  [Read More]

Argall Urges Action on State Budget, Funding for Higher Education
July 20, 2009

Argall Urges Action on State Budget, Funding for Higher Education

HARRISBURG – State Senator David G. Argall (R-29) today voiced his concern with the House approved budget bill that eliminates funding for Pennsylvania’s community colleges, state-owned universities and higher education grants and loans, and would force a future tax increase. House Bill 1416 passed the House of Representatives, 104-95. During today’s Session, Argall voiced his […]  [Read More]

H2O Grant Secured for East Penn Township
July 16, 2009

H2O Grant Secured for East Penn Township

HARRISBURG – The first round of PA H2O funding for critical water and sewer projects and other infrastructure needs across Pennsylvania was recently announced, according to State Senator David G. Argall (R-29) and Speaker of the House of Representatives Keith R. McCall (D-122). “We all take it for granted that when we turn on the […]  [Read More]

$2.9 Million in H2O Grants Secured For Schuylkill County Municipalities
July 15, 2009

$2.9 Million in H2O Grants Secured For Schuylkill County Municipalities

HARRISBURG – The first round of PA H2O funding for critical water and sewer projects and other infrastructure needs across Pennsylvania was announced yesterday, according to State Senator David G. Argall (R-29) and State Representative Neal Goodman (D-123). “These grants will bring new and innovative technologies to our local treatment facilities and will greatly improve […]  [Read More]

Harhart, Argall Announce Government Cost-Savings Resolution
July 14, 2009

Harhart, Argall Announce Government Cost-Savings Resolution

SLATINGTON – State Senator David G. Argall (R-29) and Representative Julie Harhart (R-183) announced today that they will both introduce resolutions to identify cost-saving measures in state government. The resolutions would create a bipartisan commission made up of appointees from the private and public sectors to help the General Assembly eliminate unnecessary government spending. The […]  [Read More]

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